Dupage County IL Schools


Dupage County Illinois Public Schools

Levels: Primary, Middle, High, Other

Name Level
Abraham Lincoln Elem School Elementary
Addison Early Learning Center Prekindergarten
Addison Trail High School High
Americana Intermediate School Elementary
Ann Reid Early Childhood Center Prekindergarten
Anne M Jeans Elem School Elementary
Arbor View Elem School Elementary
Ardmore Elem School Elementary
Ardmore Elem School Elementary
Army Trail Elem School Elementary
Bartlett High School High
Beebe Elem School Elementary
Belle Aire Elem School Elementary
Benjamin Franklin Elem School Elementary
Benjamin Middle School Middle
Black Hawk Elem School Elementary
Blackhawk Middle School Middle
Bower Elem School Elementary
Briar Glen Elem School Elementary
Brook Forest Elem School Elementary
Brookdale Elementary School Elementary
Bryan Middle School Middle
Burr Ridge Middle School Middle
Butler Junior High School Middle
Butterfield Elem School Elementary
C E Miller Elem School Elementary
Carl Sandburg Elem School Elementary
Carol Stream Elem School Elementary
Cass Jr High School Middle
Ccsd 93 Early Childhood Cntr Prekindergarten
Centennial School Elementary
Churchill Elem School Elementary
Churchville Middle School Middle
Clarendon Hills Middle School Middle
Clifford Johnson School Elementary
Cloverdale Elem School Elementary
Comm H S Dist 99 - North H S High
Comm H S Dist 99 - South High Sch High
Community High School High
Concord Elem School Elementary
Conrad Fischer Elem School Elementary
Currier Elementary School Elementary
Dujardin Elementary School Elementary
Early Childhood Prekindergarten
Early Childhood Education Center Prekindergarten
Early Learning Center Prekindergarten
Edgewood Elem School Elementary
Edison Elem School Elementary
Edison Middle School Middle
Educare of West Dupage Prekindergarten
Eisenhower Jr High School Middle
El Sierra Elem School Elementary
Elc Winfield Primary Annex Prekindergarten
Elizabeth Ide Elem School Elementary
Ellsworth Elem School Elementary
Elm Elem School Elementary
Elmer H Franzen Intermediate Sch Elementary
Elmwood Elem School Elementary
Elsie C Johnson Elem Sch Elementary
Emerson Elem School Elementary
Emerson Elem School Elementary
Erickson Elementary School Elementary
Evergreen Elementary School Elementary
F E Peacock Middle School Middle
Fairmount Elem School Elementary
Fenton High School High
Field Elem School Elementary
Fischer Middle School Middle
Forest Glen Elem School Elementary
Francis Granger Middle School Middle
Franklin Middle School Middle
Fullerton Elem School Elementary
G Stanley Hall Elem School Elementary
Gary Elementary School Elementary
Georgetown Elementary School Elementary
Glen Crest Middle School Middle
Glen Hill Primary Elementary
Glenbard East High School High
Glenbard North High School High
Glenbard South High School High
Glenbard West High School High
Glenn Westlake Middle School Middle
Glenside Middle School Middle
Goodrich Elem School Elementary
Gower Middle School Middle
Gower West Elem School Elementary
Greenbrook Elem School Elementary
Gwendolyn Brooks Elementary Elementary
Hadley Junior High School Middle
Hawk Hollow Elem School Elementary
Hawthorne Elem School Elementary
Hawthorne Elem School Elementary
Henry Puffer School Elementary
Heritage Lakes Elem School Elementary
Herrick Middle School Middle
Highland Elem School Elementary
Highlands Elem School Elementary
Hillcrest Elem School Elementary
Hinsdale Central High School High
Hinsdale Middle School Middle
Hinsdale South High School High
Holmes Elem School Elementary
Horizon Elem School Elementary
Hsd 86 Adult Opportunties Pgm High
Hubble Middle School Middle
Indian Knoll Elem School Elementary
Indian Plains Alternative School High
Indian Trail Elem School Elementary
Indian Trail Jr High School Middle
J T Manning Elem School Elementary
Jackson Elem School Elementary
Jackson Middle School Middle
Jay Stream Middle School Middle
Jefferson Early Childhood Center Prekindergarten
Jefferson Elem School Elementary
Jefferson Jr High School Middle
Jefferson Middle School Middle
John E Albright Middle School Middle
John L Sipley Elem School Elementary
John Schroder Early Childhood Ctr Prekindergarten
Kennedy Junior High School Middle
Kingsley Elem School Elementary
Lace Elem School Elementary
Lake Park Elem School Elementary
Lake Park High School High
Lakeview Jr High School Middle
Leman Middle School Middle
Lester Elem School Elementary
Lincoln Elem School Elementary
Lincoln Elem School Elementary
Lincoln Elem School Elementary
Lincoln Jr High School Middle
Lisle High School High
Lisle Jr High School Middle
Longfellow Elem School Elementary
Longwood Elem School Elementary
Lowell Elem School Elementary
Madison Elem School Elementary
Madison Elem School Elementary
Madison Elementary School Elementary
Madison Jr High School Middle
Maercker Elem School Elementary
Manor Hill Elem School Elementary
Maplebrook Elem School Elementary
Mark Delay School Elementary
Marquardt Middle School Middle
Mary Lou Cowlishaw Elementary Elementary
May Watts Elementary School Elementary
McCarty Elementary School Elementary
Meadow Glens Elementary School Elementary
Meadowview Elem School Elementary
Medinah Intermediate School Elementary
Medinah Middle School Middle
Medinah Primary School Elementary
Metea Valley High School High
Mill Street Elem School Elementary
Monroe Elem School Elementary
Monroe Middle School Middle
Nancy Young Elementary School Elementary
Naper Elem School Elementary
Naperville Central High School High
Naperville North High School High
North Elem School Elementary
Norton Creek Elementary School Elementary
O Neill Middle School Middle
Oak Brook Park District Prekindergarten
Oak Elem School Elementary
Oakbrook Elem School Elementary
Owen Elementary School Elementary
Park View Elem School Elementary
Park View Elem School Elementary
Peter M Gombert Elementary Sch Elementary
Pheasant Ridge Primary School Elementary
Pierce Downer Elem School Elementary
Pioneer Elem School Elementary
Pleasant Hill Elem School Elementary
Pleasant Lane Elem School Elementary
Prairie Children Preschool Prekindergarten
Prairie Elem School Elementary
Prairieview Elementary School Elementary
Prairieview Elementary School Elementary
Prospect Elem School Elementary
Queen Bee School Prekindergarten
Ranch View Elementary School Elementary
Raymond Benson Primary School Elementary
Reba O Steck Elementary School Elementary
Reskin Elem School Elementary
Roselle Middle School Middle
Roy de Shane Elementary School Elementary
Salt Creek Elem School Elementary
Sandburg Middle School Middle
Schafer Elem School Elementary
Schiesher Elem School Not reported
Scott Elementary School Elementary
South School Prekindergarten
Spring Hills Elem School Elementary
Spring Trail Elementary School Elementary
Spring Wood Middle School Middle
Steeple Run Elem School Elementary
Stella May Swartz Elem School Elementary
Stevenson School Elementary
Still Middle School Middle
Stone Elem School Elementary
Stratford Middle School Middle
Sycamore Trails Elementary School Elementary
Tate Woods Elem School Not reported
Thayer J Hill Middle School Middle
The Lane Elem School Elementary
Thomas Jefferson Jr High School Middle
Tioga Elementary School Elementary
Trinity School Prekindergarten
Turner Elem School Elementary
W A Johnson Sch Elementary
Walker School Elementary
Washington Elementary School Elementary
Washington Jr High School Middle
Waterbury Elem School Elementary
Waubonsie Valley High School High
Wayne Elem School Elementary
Wegner Elementary School Elementary
Wesley Elem School Elementary
Western Trails Elem School Elementary
Westfield Elem School Elementary
Westfield Middle School Middle
Westmont High School High
Westmont Jr High School Middle
Westmore Elem School Elementary
Westview Elem School Elementary
Westview Hills Middle School Middle
Wheaton North High School High
Wheaton Warrenville South H S High
White Eagle Elementary Elementary
Whittier Elem School Elementary
Whittier Elem School Elementary
Wiesbrook Elem School Elementary
William F Murphy Elem School Elementary
Willow Creek Elem School Elementary
Willowbrook High School High
Winfield Central School Middle
Winfield Primary School Elementary
Winnebago Elem School Elementary
Wm Hammerschmidt Elem School Elementary
Wood Dale Jr High School Middle
York Center Elem School Elementary
York Comm High School High

Levels: Primary, Middle, High, Other


Dupage County Illinois Private Schools

Levels: Elementary School, Secondary School, Other - mixed grades

Name Level
All Saints Catholic Academy Elementary
Bethany Lutheran School Elementary
Chesterbrook Academy Elementary
Chesterbrook Academy Elementary School Elementary
College Preparatory School of America Mixed Grades
Concord Lutheran School Elementary
Downers Grove Adventist School Elementary
Downers Grove Christian School Elementary
Fusion Academy Ob: Chicago- Oak Brook Mixed Grades
Good Shepherd Lutheran School Elementary
Holy Family Catholic School Elementary
Holy Ghost School Elementary
Holy Trinity School Elementary
Ic Catholic Prep Secondary
Immaculate Conception Grade School Elementary
Immanuel Lutheran Elementary
Kingswood Academy Elementary
Lutheran School of St. Luke Elementary
Marquette Manor Baptist Academy Mixed Grades
Montini Catholic High School Secondary
Naperville Christian Academy Mixed Grades
Notre Dame School Elementary
Our Lady of Peace School Elementary
Pythagoras Childrens Academy Elementary
Sacred Heart School Elementary
St. Francis High School Secondary
St. Irene Catholic School Elementary
St. James the Apostle School Elementary
St. Joan of Arc Elementary
St. John Lutheran Elementary
St. Joseph Elementary
St. Mary of Gostyn Catholic School Elementary
St. Matthew School Elementary
St. Michael Catholic School Elementary
St. Petronville School Elementary
St. Philip the Apostle School Elementary
St. Pius X Elementary School Elementary
St. Raphael Catholic School Elementary
St. Scholastica Parish School Elementary
St. Walter School Elementary
Timothy Christian P-8 Elementary
Timothy Christian Schools Mixed Grades
Treland Academy Mixed Grades
Trinity Lutheran School Elementary
Trinity Lutheran School Elementary
Vine Academy Mixed Grades
Visitation School Elementary
Wheaton Christian Grammar School Elementary
Name Level
Avery Coonley School Elementary
Carriers of Light Elementary
Four Winds Waldorf School Elementary
Prairie School of Dupage Elementary
Name Level
Clare Woods Academy Mixed Grades
Giant Steps Illinois Mixed Grades
The Bridge High School Secondary
Turning Pointe Cn Day School Secondary

Levels: Elementary School, Secondary School, Other - mixed grades
