Castle Junction is a populated place LOCATED WITHIN the Coyne Center CDP. In turn, the Coyne Center CDP is located within Rock Island County.
Castle Junction is located at latitude 41.393 and longitude -90.578.
Since Castle Junction is located within the Coyne Center CDP, all of the census and demographic data for residents of Castle Junction are included as part of the information reported for Coyne Center CDP in the "Profile" tab above.
(Note: CDP = Census Designated Place. A CDP is a statistical area delineated locally specifically for the tabulation of Census Bureau data. While CDPs have specified boundaries, these boundaries have no legal significance.)
Rock Island County: Subdivisions (MCDs) | Cities & Towns | ZIP Codes | Features (airports, churches, hospitals, etc.)
Nearby Hotels | Driving DirectionsBIG Map | Driving Directions | Terrain Map | Satellite Map
BOUNDARY MAPS: Coyne Center CDP | Township of Bowling | Rock Island County
Coyne Center, IL
(1.4 miles NE) Oak Grove, IL (1.4 miles NNE) Milan, IL (4.1 miles N) Taylor Ridge, IL (4.7 miles W) Preemption, IL (5.5 miles S) |
Sherrard, IL
(6.3 miles SE) Reynolds, IL (6.4 miles SW) Reynolds, IL (6.4 miles SW) Coal Valley, IL (6.6 miles ENE) Coal Valley, IL (6.6 miles ENE) |
Ginger Hill, IL
(3.1 miles N) Orangemans Hall, IL (5.6 miles SSW) Fruitland, IL (6.3 miles NNE) Bridgeway Addition, IL (6.7 miles NE) Walnut Grove, IA (6.8 miles NW) |
Linwood, IA
(7.2 miles NW) Nahant, IA (7.2 miles NNW) Sunny Hill Estates, IL (7.7 miles E) Poplar Grove, IL (7.7 miles NE) Brook Lawn, IL (7.9 miles E) |